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Big Authority from Law.com

In close partnership with Law.com, the definitive online resource for legal professionals, Big Voodoo has launched a new online legal search platform, Lawyerpages.

Backed by 19 award-winning publications, Law.com is ranked number 1 in legal domain authority, making Lawyerpages the most authoritative search platform for the legal industry.

While at its most basic, Lawyerpages is a directory for consumers looking for legal services, it’s also an unparalleled digital marketing opportunity for participating firms. The platform not only helps firms to grow their digital footprint, but also integrates with Sherloq® with IBM Watson’s AI Core for smarter ad campaigns and higher quality cases.

While it’s free to find your listing, firms that upgrade will gain more value from Law.com’s Lawyerpages, including but not limited the following:

  • An authoritative citation to your site, which builds trust with Google
  • Top placements in the directory, with content that pulls in quality leads
  • A sponsored article on Lawyerpages, hosted on the Law.com domain

Contact us to learn more about Law.com’s Lawyerpages.