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Is Someone Bidding On My Name?

When you search your name, it’s natural to feel uneasy when you see another law firm’s ad. But it is improbable that a competitor is bidding on your name. Reasons they may not be bidding on your name. The likelihood of a competitor bidding on your name is rare for several reasons, including: It violates...

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Embracing the Future: The Role of AI Overviews in Legal Marketing

In the fast-paced digital world, staying ahead of the curve is essential for law firms striving to maintain their competitive edge. Google's introduction of AI Overviews marks a significant shift in how search results are presented and consumed, making it critical for law firms to adapt their strategies accordingly. Understanding AI Overviews AI Overviews are...

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The Digital Cookie Crumbles In 2024

As we stand on the brink of a significant shift within the digital marketing realm—specifically, the phase-out of third-party cookies in 2024—it's essential to adapt and continue delivering personalized, seamless experiences across all channels to bring in the best cases for your law firm. Leading the Charge with Big Voodoo & Law.com - Lawyerpages Big...

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Google's Update to Core Web Vitals

On March 12, Google updated its Core Web Vitals, replacing First Input Delay (FID) with a new metric called Interaction to Next Paint (INP). This change has implications for website developers and marketers alike, particularly in legal marketing, where user engagement and website performance are crucial for success. Understanding INP INP measures the time between...

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Google's March 2024 Core Update: What You Need to Know

Google’s recent release of the expansive March 2024 Core Update, coupled with a series of spam updates, aims to elevate search quality and combat the proliferation of low-quality content online by showing less content that feels like it was written solely for search engines and more content that people find useful. Unlike previous core updates,...

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A New Generation of Google Analytics

Google Analytics 4 (GA4) is the latest version of Google’s web analytics platform, replacing Universal Analytics (UA). With Google Analytics, businesses can gain deeper insights into important metrics such as website traffic. How Does GA4 Improve Upon Its Predecessor? GA4 is more than just a simple upgrade; it's a leap into the future of data-driven...

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Big Voodoo: Legal Marketing Pioneers

We recently shared our approach to reshaping the PI marketing industry and steering clear of the 'charlatan crowd.' However, it's crucial for us to support our position with more than just words — we stand on a foundation of proven actions and foresight. Our founder, Jim Fitzgerald, offered groundbreaking insights during the American Association for...

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What Is Leadership?

What is leadership? Well, as Sun Tzu said, "A leader leads by example, not by force." It’s a potent reminder that true authority is earned through the trust we build, not through mere position or title. At Big Voodoo, we understand that there's only one way to earn trust that truly matters — through steadfast...

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The Company You Keep

"They say we are judged by the company we keep." These words resonate with a timeless truth that transcends industries and underscores the essence of reputation. Legal is the most competitive category in Google search, and as a law firm, the company you keep can define your firm's trajectory. At Big Voodoo, we hold this...

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The Closer

The ‘closer’ is the individual tasked with persuading a potential client that your law firm is the ideal choice for their case. We’ve written several blogs centered on operational aspects of law firms, emphasizing the significance of a seamless intake process. A key component of this process is the initial interaction with an attorney. In your...

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